My 3 favorite words “You’re crushing it” (Not what most of you expected, I know)

Most everyone knows what I do for a living, at least those reading this blog as it’s mostly those that love me 🙂 For anyone that doesn’t, I am the CEO of a craft brewery that now employs 20 people. In the few short years I’ve worked for the company we’ve grown from 3 to 20 and I am insanely lucky to have the team that I do working with me every day. That said, I’m still extremely insecure in my leadership capabilities…although I try to hide it as much as I can.

I have this inherent fear that people will realize I’m not as smart, as capable or as qualified as everyone thinks that I am. I know I am capable of getting things accomplished and I know that I work hard at whatever I do. However, I seem to lack the faith in me that others have. I have infinite faith in those I work with to be able to accomplish all that they need to, but for some reason, I lack that faith in myself. I love all that we’ve managed to do both for the organization but also for the community and look forward to doing much, much more.

So, why can’t I have the same faith in my abilities that others have in me or that I have for others? What am I lacking to be able to have the confidence in my intelligence or work ethic to feel confident in our future growth? Why can’t I look at what we’ve done as proof that I have the knowledge to do even more? And, what can I do to instill in the others that they have the knowledge and skills to achieve bigger and better things, here or, let’s be real, elsewhere? These are questions I ask myself regularly…and then I get told the 3 little words that everyone wants to hear from someone they love and admire, “You’re crushing it.”

Those that know me and this company know that it was founded by my brother. My younger (yes, I just publically admitted it), uber intelligent and charismatic brother. He had a dream and took a leap of faith. Once the need for substantial growth was there, he brought me onboard.  An opportunity I will never forget and am completely grateful for. I’ve been the hands on lead for the brewery every since, insecurities and all.

Last night we were discussing some of the day-to-day ongoings and some of the further out plans I had for the company. And he uttered those 3 little words, “You’re crushing it” and for a moment I knew I could do what I’ve been tasked to do. When I’m given that positive feedback I gain a sense of confidence and assuredness in my abilities, even if two weeks later I feel those doubts creeping back in. Do I want him to tell me daily that he believes in me? No, that, I’m afraid, would cause those words to have less and less weight each time they were uttered. But as I write this, I’m beginning to wonder if being insecure about my capabilities is what continues to drive me to push myself harder for each of these accomplishments. Perhaps, but, there certainly is a lesson to be learned here.

The lesson I’m learning, even as I type this, is that the impact of those 3 little words is immense. The ability to give those around me a sense of accomplishment, whether it’s a temporary or longer term feeling, requires so little effort. Doled out like candy it becomes ineffective, but spoken genuinely and with heartfelt sincerity, it can remind someone that they are capable of accomplishing things they never imagined. Regardless if it’s your child, your employee, your teammate or your partner, hearing those three little words can mean the difference between them working just a little harder, trying something outside their comfort zone, or allowing those doubts and insecurities to prevent them from flying.

If no one else remembers to tell you this today, know that I think you’re crushing it.

I Rise ~ Andrea


One Reply to “My 3 favorite words “You’re crushing it” (Not what most of you expected, I know)”

  1. That you can express so beautifully what all of us have felt is just one of your more stellar qualities. You are a special woman.

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